Our last meeting. I have learned so much from our meetings , both from the instructors and from my fellow teachers. I believe we have a great community of experts and resources.
Parmethean Board Tutorial
Today Justin Putman, a teacher and tech guy, came to instruct us on the ins and the outs of using a board. Today I learned that the Parmethean Active Panel is the way to go. He advised if buying new tools it is better and has longer life than a projector. It looks like a large tv screen but it is sturdier than an smart board. ACTIVEINSPIRE is free softwares and may be downloaded on any computer..
He reminded us about YTD YouTube Downloader lets you download videos for FREE. JUST DON'T SELL ANYTHING!
I want to write a grant to get one, I don't have a projector anymore and I need this!
Creating a Logo
Wow I had never seen some of the images in advertizers
Amazon has A-Z i had never seen before
Google -glasses
In the brands there are hidden messages, companies spend alot of money
Key Terms
Image resoulution
Digital Image
Made up of pixels
A pixel picture element is a tiny single point.
Image Resolution
The number of pixels or dots per linear unit of output
4K is the pixel within a monitor screen
HD is smaller than full HD
more mixels
Resouliton means more dots
optimize your
For web, gnerally 72 to 96 pixels per inch-take a close look at pixel dimensions
for pring-out
300 dots per inch dpi for genereal documents
600 dpi for higher quality documents
1200 for photos
When building a brand Nike and Apple are using the same Font
Serif font
some embelishments within the letter
Times New Roman
Business cards
Letter Heads
Sans-serif font (without embelishments)
Serif font
Heading for print documents
Sans-erif font
Body text for print documents
On-screen text
What color do you want to use for your Business
RGB mode (REd/Green/Blue)
Mainly used in electronic devices ( all the monitors )
CMYK (Cyan/Magenta/Yellow?key)
Used to create colors
Every University and big company has regulations for their publications
Search Google: Hexadecimal color code
Obtaining Digital Images
Digital cameras
Digital image collections (CD/DVD)
Classroom use of images fall under fair use laws
Take a picture of yourself
Graphic Formats
Two categories
Raster (bitmapped) these will be pixelated when enlarged
Image Formats
Legal and Ethical Use of Image
Fair use
Do not use images from the web without permision
Use Google Chrome or Firefox do not use Explorer
Free account log in with gmail, or facebook account
Go to Learn to design
To learn how to do it follow the three tutorials to do different phases of the project, it is self explanitory and easy.
HINT: use SAME colors dont use different colors
Mississippi State University
now has online degreed Department of Instructional System and Workforce Development
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